At the 2023 annual conference for the International Assoc. for the Study of Dreams, my wife and I had the chance to share a lunch table with Amina Mara, the host of The Dream World Podcast. Amina recently invited me to be a guest on her podcast and we discussed my personal dream research about soulmates and counterparts. I first learned of the concept of "counterparts" (an expansion of or variation of the idea of soulmates) for reading the Seth books by Jane Roberts. See YouTube link below for the full interview. I was excited to recently be one of the first guests interviewed on the Blissfully Speaking podcast, a new venture of Bliss Spiritual Co-op. On July 6, 2023, I was honored to be a guest on The Dream Journal radio show, hosted by Katherine Bell. The interview is now available in podcast format. You can listen to the interview at this link: I was recently interviewed by Robert Kalil on his Typical Sketpic podcast show. Rob has done a great job building an audience, with over 10,000 YouTube subscribers. In the interview, I discuss dreams, manifesting (law of attraction), emotional guidance, and my approach to coaching, among many other topics. Rob's audience is interested in UFOs and I explained how I view these encounters as being "extra-dimensional" rather than "extra-terrestrial". Do you occasionally take notice of the fact that there is a song playing in your head? When this happens to me, I can sometimes quickly connect the experience with a song that I recently heard on the radio, at the gym etc. But, on other occasions, I find that it is a complete mystery. Through my dream journaling practice, and especially a recent Billy Idol dream (described below), I’ve come to realize that the original source of the song in my head at least occasionally comes from a dream.
I once dreamed that I was in a church, with none other than James Brown seated in the pews not far from me. As the service came to an end, James suddenly bursts into song. I’ve encountered Michael Jackson several times in my dreams. In one dream, he exited the scene by doing back flips and cartwheels. In another, Michael started breakdancing in front of me. For me, I think both James Brown and Michael Jackson represent the idea of spontaneous creativity. I once dreamed that I was talking with Axel Rose (such a symbolically potent dream figure name!). We decided to exchange contact info and he gave me his cell phone number. However, I could not remember this phone number upon waking. If I had, it would have been cool to “honor the dream” and try the phone number. I’ve had several Bono dreams including one where Bono appeared as a very sharp dressed tailor, with a tailor’s measuring tape wrapped around his neck. Thus, for me, Bono may represent the idea of the precise execution of one’s art form.
Looking over my dream journal, some of my other rock star dream encounters have included Pit Bull, Ice-T, Bruce Springsteen, Weird Al Yankovic, Darius Rucker, Jon Bon Jovi, Stevie Wonder, Bob Seger, Eddie Van Halen, Taylor Swift, David Lee Roth, Susanna Hoffs, Stephen Pearcy, and Rod Stewart. Quite a roster!
While not X-rated, the dream became NC-17 when Idol’s band was joined on stage by a group of topless women. Attempting to record as many details as I could upon waking from this dream, I tried to recall, without initial success, the song that was being performed at the show. I then suddenly realized that I already had Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell playing in my head. This led me to conclude that Rebel Yell must have been the song being performed in the dream. This experience caused me to speculate about how frequently my dreams are the source of the otherwise unexplainable songs that I find playing in my head. If I were being more accurate with my borrowing from the French language, I should have titled this blog post Rock n’ Roll Déjà Rêvé instead of Rock n’ Roll Déjà Vu, as the French language actually offers us two separate but closely related ideas. Déjà vu translates as “already seen” whereas déjà rêvé translates as “already dreamed”. I note this because I’ve come to understand that many of my déjà vu experiences can be more precisely and accurately understood as déjà rêvé.
I had an interesting precognitive dream experience in 2011 that illustrates the déjà rêvé principle. In waking life, I was out running errands on a Saturday. My wife texted me with the suggestion that we reactivate our Costco membership, and I added this task to my agenda. As I was walking into Costco, I crossed paths with my friend Stacy* as she was exiting Costco with a full cart. Stacy was a commercial banker that I had known for many years. It was a seemingly random encounter and she mentioned to me that this was her first ever trip to Costco. After a brief conversation, we went our separate ways. But, the encounter triggered a strong sense of déjà vu for me. Then I suddenly experienced a dream download. That morning, I had recorded two dreams in my journal. I now spontaneously remembered a third dream and this one featured Stacy. In the suddenly recalled dream, Stacy was looking for a new banking job and I had walked into the office of another banker with a copy of her resume. A couple of takeaways from this experience at Costco: • It reminded me of the importance of having a steady dream journaling practice. By journaling my dreams on a regular basis, I am effectively exercising my dream recall muscles. I am building a bridge between my waking mind and my subconscious mind. If I had not been journaling my dreams, I think my experience at Costco would have simply left me with a vague and unexplained sense of déjà vu. Instead, I was able to have a fuller experience by recalling the dream that triggered the déjà vu feeling. • This experience was different than my other precognitive dreams. On the one hand, you could say that I dreamed about Stacy and then I encountered her at Costco. But, as far as my waking mind was concerned, I first encountered Stacy at Costco and only afterwards recalled that I had dreamed about her that same morning. As with my other precognitive dream experiences, I’m led to question the true nature of time, as there was another part of me that appeared to know about my encounter with Stacy prior to my waking reality encounter with her. Dream on and rock on, my friends! * Named changed for privacy purposes In late November of 2022, I recorded a very short dream about a secret door. It later became apparent that the dream had precognitive qualities. Here are my original dream notes: November 29, 2022 (Tuesday) Dream 1 (6:30 AM). A room has a secret door on the floor. Later, however, this area is shown again and there is no longer a door on the floor. But then it appears again. That was it. A very short dream. A few days later, I received a call from a woman who, with her siblings, had inherited an old commercial building located less than a mile from my real estate shop. When she called, she and her sister were at the building. I offered to meet them at the building right away. No time better than the present in the real estate business. It was a very interesting old building that had once been owned by a telephone company and had subsequently been converted into a large workshop. The sisters informed me a couple of days later that they had decided to list the building with a different real estate company. When the property hit the market, a friend of mine (and a potential buyer) requested a tour of the building. Thus, within a short period of time, I got the chance to tour the building again. In the midst of this second tour, I turned around and saw that my friend had pulled up a hatch on the floor. A secret door! As soon as I saw the open hatch, I immediately thought of my secret door dream. See photos below of the floor hatch in both its closed and open positions. When closed, there is a camouflage effect because the top of the hatch has floor tiles that match the surrounding floor. Once you know it is there, the floor hatch is very easy to spot. But, during my first tour of the building, I was in the building for about 30 minutes with one of my colleagues and neither one of us noticed it. I would like to highlight a few notable elements of this precognitive dream experience:
Was this a meaningful experience for me? Yes, it was meaningful for me in two ways.
A precognitive dream is a unique form of synchronicity because the two related events happen in different states of consciousness. The experience of a precognitive dream often makes me feel like I'm interacting with a playful/trickster aspect of my consciousness. For more examples of precognitive dreams (and coincidences), see the The Inner Self at Play section of my website (link below).
The Inner Self at Play “Let me hear your body talk (your body talk)” - Olivia Newton John, Let’s Get Physical
DISCLAIMER: We all have different tolerances when it comes to food and drink. The fact that a food or drink causes me problems does not mean that it causes problems for you. My little case study starts in early 2013. I was dealing with some sinus and respiratory issues, which ranged from uncomfortable to painful. I was a mess nearly every day – sniffling, sneezing, and dripping all over the place. I was embarrassed by the nearly constant nasal sound of my voice. Most concerning, I often awoke in the early morning hours in a fit of wheezing. Around this time, I had a dream about the HVAC system of a house. In the dream, a technician showed me how the air ducts of the house were stuffed with a thick, blanket-like material, making it extremely difficult for air to travel through the ducts. The HVAC ducts represented my own respiratory system, which was under duress. The depiction in the dream was confirmed, in waking life, by a CT scan. My ENT doctor told me that I had one of the worst sinus infections he had ever encountered. His recommendation: sinus surgery. Hesitant to go under the knife, I found myself searching for an alternative solution. By this time, I had started to take notice of some recurring food/beverage themes in my dream journal. One of the steadiest drumbeats was alcohol. The following dream seemed designed to catch my attention:
As quick background, I should share that I completely abstained from drinking alcohol throughout my teens and all the way into my late 20s. During my 30s, I was an occasional social drinker. As I transitioned into my early 40s, I got into the habit of having one or two beers at home at the end of the work day. This transition was subtle, such that I had not really taken conscious notice of the change. As dreams often do, this dream presented me with a cartoon-like exaggeration of my circumstances. In waking life, I had never consumed alcohol while driving. But, I was consuming more alcohol than at any prior period of my life. In dreams, cars often represent the physical body since the physical body is the “vehicle” we use to manipulate in waking life. The dream was showing me that my alcohol consumption was causing my body to “drive in the slow lane”. In another alcohol themed dream from 2013, I was inside an old tavern. A lawyer walks through the tavern, announcing that he is representing people in a lawsuit related to health issues caused by the tavern. Even during the dream itself, the lawyer’s statement caused me to wonder if my own health issues were related to the tavern. At the time of these dreams, I did not understand how alcohol was contributing to my respiratory issues. It was just clear from the dreams, and some waking experiences as well, that alcohol was at least contributing to my health issues. I decided to significantly cut back on my alcohol consumption. For the first time since the chronic congestion issues had emerged, my symptoms began to gradually ease. I’ve learned that alcohol is just one of many sinus congestion triggers that I need to monitor and moderate. In Appendix I below, I’ve included three examples of dreams where my Inner Self has helped me identify another possible area of food/drink overconsumption. In my case, these additional triggers include (when consumed in excessive amounts) coffee, chocolate, fast food, and carbohydrates. As of the time of this writing (2019), my sinus congestion issues have by no means completely gone away, but they are no longer chronic in nature. When I have a bad congestion episode, I’m typically able to associate it with the overconsumption of some food or beverage during the preceding days. In recent years, I’ve come to understand that the primary cause of my congestion issues is acid reflux. If you are interested in learning more about how this can be, I’ve included some notes and resources in Appendix II below. Appendix I: |
AuthorChris Cunniffe, Abundance Coach and Dream Coach, at Lucid Coaching, LLC Archives
September 2023
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